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Klik op de afbeeldingen om de bijbehorende Twitterpagina te laden. De citaten ("tweets") van de MAM zijn herkenbaar aan het hiernaast afgebeelde ikoon. Let op: de tweets zijn vluchtig van aard: nieuwere tweets vervangen oudere.
Door de MAM gevolgde Twitterpagina's
Maandagavondmeditatie t/m Exposities en Diverse gebeden worden door de MAM zelf onderhouden. Klik op bij een naam om alleen de tweets van die Twitterpagina weer te geven, klik op om álle tweets te zien.
Father's Day fun, part 2: brunch at my favorite vegan restaurant (vegan pancakes, yum!), now off to see my dad at the nursing home. ong. 2 uur geleden
It does not make his present suffering any worse and even if it did, how sad it would be that we should wish such a thing. ong. 3 uur geleden
When things are not going well for someone we dislike, what is the point in rejoicing? ong. 3 uur geleden
Wie wil kan hier publieke activiteiten plaatsen, door ergens in een tweet te schrijven: @activiteitong. 3 uur geleden
#Mediteren en #zingen met Ellen Deimann. Bennebroek zo 27 sept 09, 10.45 - 17.30. Kosten 6 euro. ong. 3 uur geleden - http://www.maandagavondmeditatie.nl
Kunstenaars die anderen op hun #kunst of #expositie c.q. #exposities willen attenderen, kunnen hier tweets daarover plaatsen: @expositieong. 3 uur geleden
Expositie-agenda. Wil je hier een expositie vermelden vanaf je eigen Twitterpagina, zet dan ergens in je tweet @expositie. ong. 3 uur geleden
Tweets over #meditatie c.q. #mediteren zijn te vinden op de site van de Maandagavondmeditatie in #Bennebroek ong. 4 uur geleden - http://bit.ly/AtYPi
Een overzicht van meer Twitterpagina's onderhouden door de groep Maandagavondmeditatie in Bennebroek is te vinden op ong. 5 uur geleden - http://bit.ly/AtYPi
For an overview of more Twitter accounts maintained by the Meditation Group "Maandagavondmeditatie" in Bennebroek, go to ong. 5 uur geleden - http://bit.ly/AtYPi
There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. — Einstein RT @jonesetteong. 16 uur geleden
Father's Day is off to a great start: dinner at my favorite burrito joint, a round of wheelchair friendly mini-golf, & vegan chocolate cake! ong. 17 uur geleden
all of our peaceful spoutings and quotations ought to be prayers for relieving the violence, poverty and oppression throughout the world. ong. 18 uur geleden
please pray for peace and healing for #Mogudishu and #Somalia in #Africa ong. 19 uur geleden
#Somalia in emergency state. Somalia asks neighbors 4 urgent military assistance as violence continues. This is tragic. ong. 19 uur geleden - http://bit.ly/RrJsy
Onder grote twijfel gaat grote verlichting schuil. (zenspreuk) ong. 21 uur geleden - http://ul2.nl/m
Verwachtingen - die de bodem in zijn geslagen - ontkiemen tot vervulling - op lang vergeten akkers... ong. 21 uur geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Wees blij als het regent. Als je niet blij bent, regent het ook. (onbekend) ong. 21 uur geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Prayer is opening into that radiant and centerless Love that surpasses and enfolds all of life. — Tilden Edwards 1 dag geleden
Een levenlang adem-halen voor die éne zucht die het leven is... 1 dag geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Meditatie tijdens het handelen is honderd, duizend, miljoen keer beter dan meditatie in rust. 1 dag geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
@earthmystic did the talk get recorded? Can I get a copy? 1 dag geleden
Just heard Wm. Paul Young (author of The Shack) speak at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit. Amazing talk about God as Love & Relationship. 1 dag geleden
Expressing my gratitude for all of the kind RTs and Follow Friday recommendations! I am happy you are enjoying the Rumi. 2 dagen geleden
I am not my self. I am like the bare green knob of a rose that lost every leaf and petal to the morning wind. Rumi 2 dagen geleden
Love Field, 1992. Lurene ontmoet een vluchtende zwarte man. Ondanks raciale vooroordelen groeit begrip en liefde tussen deze 2. Mooi! Alex 2 dagen geleden
Una giornata particolare, 1977. Een klassieker die iedereen waarschijnlijk wel kent, maar te mooi om hier niet te noemen. Alex 2 dagen geleden
Ingelogde leden van de MAM kunnen nu veel sneller tweets posten dan voorheen; binnen een paar seconden is het gebeurd. 2 dagen geleden
Todo sobre mi madre, 1999. Mooie en ontroerende film over een moeder die haar zoon verliest en in Barcelona op zoek gaat naar de vader. Alex 2 dagen geleden
Nowhere in Africa, 2001. Over jong Joods meisje dat in WO II met ouders naar Kenia vlucht. Mooie beelden en mooie vriendschap met kok. Alex 2 dagen geleden
American Beauty, 1999 O.a. over vervreemding tussen mensen. Prachtige mystieke visie op de werkelijkheid blijkt uit boodschap aan slot. Alex 2 dagen geleden
Heaven, 2002 Mooie film over heftige thema's (moord, schuld, liefde). Desondanks verstilde beelden en prachtige muziek van Arvo Pärt. Alex 2 dagen geleden
Wist je dat er een heel mooie site bestaat (the Internet Movie Database) voor het opvragen van informatie over films? 2 dagen geleden - http://www.imdb.com
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. - Rabindranath Tagore 2 dagen geleden
@AlysJ Two ideas: try short, "egg-timer" periods of restful silence; try "walking meditations" reciting Jesus Prayer while walking slowly. 2 dagen geleden
Great post from Michael Marsh on problems of the Episcopal Church, really applies to all churches: 2 dagen geleden - http://tinyurl.com/l7hbvj
@commonrose thanks for the hookup on Pannikar! 2 dagen geleden
Wherever we go, let us be humble and avoid being noisy or bossy. Let us not hurt other people's feelings or cause them to act negatively. 2 dagen geleden
@earthmystic nice paraphrase from Rahner. Sounds like we need to hear more from him! 2 dagen geleden
Rahner said the Christian of the future will be a mystic or will not exist at all. This is a call to embrace contemplation. 2 dagen geleden
Eén die het oorspronkelijk gezicht vertoont, Eén blik en voor altijd geliefd. (zenmeester Ikkyu) 2 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/m
Titel:Na het feest komt de afwas. Wijsheid voor het hart op het spirituele pad. Schrijver Jack Kornfield Uitgegeven bij Panta Rhei, Kat ... 3 dagen geleden
Ik heb 2 nieuwe Twitterpagina's voor ons gereserveerd, waar MAM-leden straks hun favorieten boeken en films kunnen plaatsen. Alex 3 dagen geleden
Pema Chödrön: Gerust in onzekerheid, Kosmos-Z&K, Utrecht 2003. Zeer inspirerende korte hoofdstukjes vol boeddhistische spiritualiteit. Alex 3 dagen geleden
As It is In Heaven (2004): Mooiste film ooit. Over muziek die de harten van mensen raakt en het verleggen van persoonlijke grenzen. Alex 3 dagen geleden
A mystic is simply a man or woman in love with God, and the Church is hungry for such people. — Catherine De Hueck Doherty 3 dagen geleden
Ordinary mysticism: focus not on supernatural experiences we can't control, but on daily choosing to love God in silence. 3 dagen geleden
@michael_noyes Not the Song of Songs, but rather the last sentence of "Ulysses" by James Joyce. 3 dagen geleden
Blijf bij ons, heer, wanneer het avond wordt... Luther, 3 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/mPUqb
O Heer, maak mij een werktuig van uw vrede. Franciscus, 3 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/iUPlt
Niet wetend waarheen zoekt het haasje de ogen van de dubbelloops 3 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
de klank van muziek maakt mij tot huilen keer op keer zo teder zo teer (Kim de Vrijer) 3 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
When receiving the teachings, it's important to listen w/ the determined wish to attain the state of omniscience for the sake of all beings. 3 dagen geleden
@MeganGarza Could you email me with your reading list for your Christian mysticism class? Thanks! Email to mccolman AT anamchara.com 4 dagen geleden
As a tadpole needs water for its journey to become a frog, so contemplatives need silence in their journey to theosis. 4 dagen geleden
@ShadowDarkFyre Bloomsday: June 16, the day in which the action of "Ulysses" is set in Dublin. Now loved & celebrated by Joyceans worldwide. 4 dagen geleden
Prayer: The spirit that possesses health is the one which has no images of the things of this world at the time .. 4 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/jev66m
Praying for peace in all the world, and an end to brutality and violence. 4 dagen geleden
Christianity testifies to the impossibility of grasping God because of the hyper-presence of God. — Peter Rollins 4 dagen geleden
... yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes. 4 dagen geleden
RT Christiane Amanpour's photos of Iranian government vicious brutality #Iranelection \ 4 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/19wt4
Als er iets belangrijks gebeurt, is zwijgen een leugen. (A.M. Rosenthal) 4 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Finding God: Find God by allowing him to find you. That means inviting him to come, making your self available, .. 4 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/sxrwbi
In het begin dwingen wíj onszelf tot zwijgen. Maar vervolgens groeit daaruit iets dat ons tot het zwijgen aantrekt. Isaac van Ninivé 5 dagen geleden
Heb de stilte lief boven alle dingen; zij zal je een vrucht aandragen die in woorden onmogelijk beschreven kan worden. Isaac van Ninivé 5 dagen geleden
Ik vergeet alles behalve het moment. (josiene van eijsden) 5 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/m
In de stilte hoor ik alleen mijn eigen stem luister naar mijn gedachten (Sandy van den Heuvel) 5 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/m
Very little grows on jagged rock. Be ground! Be crumbled, so wildflowers will come up where you are. Try something different. 5 dagen geleden
@jewelma Follow me and I'll reply to your DM 5 dagen geleden
Happy Bloomsday, everyone! 5 dagen geleden
I absorb the shining and now I see the ocean, billions of simultaneous motions moving in me. I have a teacher. 5 dagen geleden
@jewelma Love God, love your neighbors, pray, meditate, contemplate, be part of a faith community, feast on the Body & Blood ... and listen! 5 dagen geleden
read posts at for insightful reviews of thoughts / spiritual philosophy from Early Fathers and Saints. 5 dagen geleden - http://thecloudofunknowing.com
Je ziel onder je arm? Dan jezelf onder handen! 5 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Steun is pas steun als diegene die steun behoeft het als steun ervaart. 5 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Vegetarianism is very admirable. However, according to Buddhism what is prohibited is taking any meat that's been killed especially for you. 6 dagen geleden
Mystical experience is given to some. But contemplation is for all Christians. — Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury 6 dagen geleden
Wees blij - dat je niet bent als zíj - die blij zijn niet te zijn als jíj. 6 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Reageren is de tweede keuzemogelijkheid naast zijn, maar reageren verstoort het zijn en vernietigt het. (D.W. Winnicott) 6 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. — II Corinthians 3:17 10 dagen geleden
If you want love and abundance in your life, give it away. 10 dagen geleden
My fondness for good books was my salvation. — Saint Teresa of Avila 10 dagen geleden
Je kruisiging - opdat je hen zult kunnen vergeven die niet wisten wat ze deden... 10 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Waar welvaart heerst zonder soberheid, daar heerst geweld. (Krishnamurti) 10 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
@RonaldBarnett Which is why you have to experience it to clear away the misconceptions. 11 dagen geleden
Andrew S. Tatum wrote a lovely review of "Spirituality": 11 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/GF0TM
The only way to get rid of misconceptions about contemplation is to experience it. — Thomas Merton 11 dagen geleden
Will "the letter of the law" matter in a post-literate society? 11 dagen geleden
The incredible mystery of God's plan is not only to spiritualize the material universe, but to make matter itself divine. — Thomas Keating 11 dagen geleden
I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul. — Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity 11 dagen geleden
Rise up nimbly and go on your strange journey to the ocean of meanings. The stream knows it can't stay on the mountain. 11 dagen geleden
Het doet er niet toe wat je mij voor de voeten gooit - Als het maar niet je deugden zijn. 11 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Vrijheid betekent verantwoordelijkheid. Daarom zijn de meeste mensen er bang voor. (George Bernhard Shaw) 11 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Latest Blog Post: Attention Book Lovers and Anglophiles… 12 dagen geleden - http://tinyurl.com/lhl9n7
The things that we love tell us what we are. — Thomas Aquinas 12 dagen geleden
@pickletomboy Merely an allusion to Zork. If you used the Apple II back in the early 1980s, you'd know what I mean... 12 dagen geleden
It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. 12 dagen geleden
There is nothing outside of yourself. Look within, everything you want is there. You are That. Rumi 12 dagen geleden
Beter dan dichter - is het : opener te zijn. 12 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Geluk wordt pas zichtbaar als het voorbij is. (Godfried Bomans) 12 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
We must each lead a way of life with self-awareness and compassion, to do as much as we can. Then, whatever happens we will have no regrets. 12 dagen geleden
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, They're in each other all along. Rumi 12 dagen geleden
All souls are capable of loving... progress does not lie in thinking much but in loving much. — St. Teresa of Avila 13 dagen geleden
Relaxing at home after a lovely weekend. 13 dagen geleden
Wat is lijkt zo schraal: elkaar voorbij lopen als ontzielde wezens... 13 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
De liefde geeft je 1000 nieuwe ogen om mee te zien. (Shakespeare) 13 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
returning home from my brother's transition to a new life. God bless him, enfold him and speed him on his way 14 dagen geleden
Hoe leeg die handjes als het kind de zeeman vraagt: zag u mijn ballon? 14 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
De meeste mensen verwachten te veel van het leven en genieten er daardoor te weinig van. (Jac Vosmaer) 14 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
At the Spiritual Writing Retreat at the Monastery Of the Holy Spirit 15 dagen geleden
Ik zou de Goeie God niet eens dúrven te vrezen - het kikkert juist zo óp even nabij te wezen... 15 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
De liefde is een kostbaar goed. 15 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Huge expressions of gratitude to all who have followed @RumiQuotes and for the kind RTs and #FF love. Rumi 15 dagen geleden
There is no way that negative actions or deeds can result in joy and happiness. Both, by definition are the fruits of wholesome actions. 15 dagen geleden
One of the characteristics of karmic theory is that there is a definite, commensurate relationship between cause and effect. 15 dagen geleden
Is het teveel gevraagd - voor álles wat we vraten - de hongerende aarde straks ons vege lijf te laten? 16 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Niet elke verandering betekent groei, evenals niet elke beweging in voorwaartse richting gaat. (Ellen Glasgow) 16 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Recognizing this, children should be grateful to their mothers and express their gratitude by performing virtuous deeds. 17 dagen geleden
The feeling of a mother for her child is a classic example of love. For their safety and welfare, she is ready to sacrifice her very life. 17 dagen geleden
It is all a question of cleaning and then developing your spiritual senses! See beyond phenomena. Rumi 17 dagen geleden
Latest Blog Post: New Endowment for Flannery O’Connor’s Church 17 dagen geleden - http://tinyurl.com/pmkbjb
The birth cycles of all sentient beings are beginningless, and countless times in previous lives we have each fulfilled the role of a mother 17 dagen geleden
O precious soul, this longing will make your pure! Rumi 17 dagen geleden
Onbaatzuchtigheid: het zout in de pap zijn - voor wie dat niet verdient... 17 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
De tijd heelt niet álle wonden, maar ze verzacht ze wel. (een dominee) 17 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
any one willing to have a dialogue of favorite mystic understandings or discuss an author's point or one of your own? 18 dagen geleden
This is how I would die into the love I have for you. As pieces of cloud dissolve into the sunlight. Rumi 18 dagen geleden
I you he she we.... In the garden of mystic lovers, these are not true distinctions. Rumi 18 dagen geleden
God remains transcendent amidst immanence precisely because God remains concealed amidst revelation. — Peter Rollins 18 dagen geleden
I have one small drop of knowing in my soul. Let it dissolve in your ocean. Rumi 18 dagen geleden
Elke religie meent: wíj hebben God te pakken. Daardoor laat Hij Zich - vrij-blijvend- in mootjes hakken... 18 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
We kunnen het pad van een ander niet verlichten zonder ook onszelf bij te schijnen. (Ben Sweetland) 18 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
You were dust;now your are spirit. You were ignorant; now you are wise. The one who brought you here will bring you still further. 19 dagen geleden
please pray for my brother Robert S. Fulbright who passed away last night. thanks. #christianmysticism #laycistercian #infantjesusblog 19 dagen geleden
It is almost impossible for us to understand the sublime dignity and beauty of the soul. — St. Teresa of Avila 19 dagen geleden
@robinchris Both! Set up Facebook to use your Twitter feed as a status update. 19 dagen geleden
Is "enlightenment, satori, nirvana, samadhi" the ultimate human fulfillment? rd post on Gregory of Nyssa;s exegis: 19 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/2fatlj
Omgevallen bank - op wat eens de leuning was: vogelen des velds... 19 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Alle grote waarheden zijn begonnen als blasfemieën. (George Bernard Shaw) 19 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
If you yourself are at peace, then there is at least some peace in the world. — Thomas Merton 20 dagen geleden
Set your sights on a place higher than your eyes can see. For it was a higher aim that brought you here in the first place. 20 dagen geleden
All different faiths and systems are only methods to achieve a goal that for the average person is happiness in life. 20 dagen geleden
The paradox of being still and on the move: "I will put you on a rock" (Ex 33:22) This is a great if not the gre.. 20 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/2fatlj
Digging the early fathers... 20 dagen geleden
We cijferen de Een weg - en blijven als nullen over. 20 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
God sluit nooit een venster af zonder daarvoor in de plaats een ander te openen. (ergens gehoord/gelezen) 20 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Let nothing happen in the sky or on the ground, in this world or that world, without my being in its happening. Rumi 21 dagen geleden
rt this quote is from Gregory of Nyssa, not Origen... "..being within the cloud and seeing God.. SORRY! 21 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/kxwqss
“..being within the cloud and seeing God there” (Ex 20:21): "..being within the cloud and seeing God.. 21 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/kxwqss
cool quote from Origen is on it's way from twitterfeed... or you can go to http://thecloudofunknowing.com. to read it now! 21 dagen geleden
Als alles went - zal dan straks niets onmenselijks ons nog vreemd zijn ...? 21 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Je diepste verdriet zul je allé beleven - Maar ní zo alleen als je diepste geluk. 21 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Je kunt altijd rekenen op mensen met wie je kunt lezen en schrijven. 21 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
De pijn leer je aanvaarden.Het gemis is niet te verdragen. 21 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
In this world of love, we are the hidden treasure, we are the owners of eternity. Rumi 22 dagen geleden
Het is het Licht in je ogen dat de dag kleur geeft. 22 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Als je kunt lachen om jezelf, heb je eindeloos veel lol !! (onbekend) 22 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Here is a good site devoted to Rumi http://www.rumionfire.com/ 22 dagen geleden
Bend like the limb of a peach tree. Tend those who need help. Disappear three days with the moon. Rumi 23 dagen geleden
Patience with small details makes perfect a large work, like the universe. Rumi 23 dagen geleden
In each moment the fire rages, it will burn away a hundred veils. And carry you a thousand steps toward your goal. Rumi 23 dagen geleden
Als er één zwart schaap over de dam is - volgen er méér. 23 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Geen weer zo prachtig dan regenachtig bij ongeluk; geen vlieg zo vlug of hij is lastig. (josiene van eijsden) 23 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Reading up on ascension theology and christan mystics 24 dagen geleden
O - het aanzien van zich ontkledende bomen in de najaarskou - waar zal ik warmte vinden - dan in en dikke trui... 24 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Als je ooit iets dierbaars hebt verloren, is je nieuwe dierbaartse iemand, het dierbaarste in je leven (diana van meel) 24 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
In that case, clearly, they lose their meaning and become unnecessary customs -- just a good excuse for passing time. 24 dagen geleden
When you lack the inner dimension for that spiritual experience you are aspiring to, then rituals become formalities, external rations. 24 dagen geleden
When thru rituals and formalities you create the spiritual space you're seeking, the process will have a powerful effect on your experience. 24 dagen geleden
From the stars,suspended like candles from the blue vault of heaven, wondrous souls have appeared and the Unseen has revealed itself. 25 dagen geleden
Een wetenschap kun je beheersen met verstand. Een mysterie binnengaan kan alleen de totale mens. 25 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
[Onthechting/loslaten:] Door aan te raken kunt gij doden, door op een afstand te blijven kunt gij bezitten. (Tagore) 25 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
I pressed my soul's ear against countless doors, but never heard words as sweet as yours. Rumi 25 dagen geleden
Good wishes are not sufficient; we must become actively engaged. 25 dagen geleden
Every individual has a responsibility to help guide our global family in the right direction. 25 dagen geleden
Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #monastic #mystic #contemplative 26 dagen geleden - http://wefollow.com
Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #contemplative #centering #prayer 26 dagen geleden - http://wefollow.com
Buíten de mens is alleen dátgene dat innerlijk nog niet binnen zijn bereik ligt. 26 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Als je mensen oordeelt, heb je geen tijd om hen lief te hebben. (Moeder Teresa) 26 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Wees gerust gesteld op hebben en houden - En veel meer nog: gerustgesteld door het vertrouwde. 27 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Enkel degene die je pijn doet kan je beter laten voelen. (Khalissa) 27 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Het smalle pad geeft geen duimbreed toe aan ellebogenwerk. 28 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Vertrouwen in de toekomst zorgt voor kracht in het heden. 28 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Keep walking though there is no place to get to. Don't try to see through the distances. That's not for human beings. Rumi 29 dagen geleden
Een speelbal laat zich - bij gebrek aan doel-gerichtheid - gemakkelijk in de hoek schoppen... 29 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Wie naar buiten kijkt droomt. Wie naar binnen kijkt wordt wakker. 29 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Thus, one creates many divisions within the human community, coming about through the underlying force of the attachment to one's own self. 30 dagen geleden
It is delusion that forces one to be attracted and attached to one's own side and feel hatred and anger toward the opposite side. 30 dagen geleden
Right from the beginning of human civilization, delusions have been the real cause of problems, trouble, and conflict within society. 30 dagen geleden
I begged you not to trouble me so with longing. Come out and play! Flirt more naturally. Teach me how to kiss. 30 dagen geleden
Leven is dat wat je overkomt terwijl je druk bezig bent met andere plannen. (John Lennon) 30 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Last night my teacher taught me the lesson of poverty. Having nothing and wanting nothing. Rumi 31 dagen geleden
Feast of the Ascension - Thursday 5/21/09: This is an awesome day to remember, because it acknowledges JesusR.. 31 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/ezujyh
Today is the Feast of the Ascension. So cool, when you really stop to think about it! 31 dagen geleden
Wie egocentrisch is - meent de deugd in het midden te hebben. 31 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Het allerkostbaarste kan niet worden gezocht, het moet worden afgewacht. (Edith Stein) 31 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Great compassion and wisdom are the chief qualities of the Buddha. 31 dagen geleden
Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love. Rumi 31 dagen geleden
I absorb the shining and now I see the ocean, billions of simultaneous motions moving in me. Rumi 32 dagen geleden
I am a naked man standing inside a mine of rubies, clothed in red silk. Rumi 32 dagen geleden
The Office of Lauds is beautiful! 32 dagen geleden
God is good. If you can listen, he will guide. Trusting your faith will show how he led you (before you even knew it!) 32 dagen geleden
He is the Sun In whose track every heart must follow. Rumi 32 dagen geleden
Om zichzelf niet tegen te komen - lopen veel mensen zichzelf voorbij... 32 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/cp
Problemen zijn kansen in werkkleding. (Henry Kaiser) 32 dagen geleden - http://ul2.nl/c
Should we persist in our normal self-centered tendencies and behavior in spite of our human birth, we would be wasting a great opportunity. 33 dagen geleden
@cloudunknowing I am glad you are enjoying the Rumi quote. Thanks for the RT! 33 dagen geleden
Now is the time to unite the soul and the world. Now is the time to see the sunlight dancing as one with the shadows. Rumi 33 dagen geleden
This should be done with compassion, and if necessary to express your views and take countermeasures, do so without anger or ill intent. 33 dagen geleden
Of course, others may try to take advantage of you, and if your remaining detached only encourages unjust aggression, adopt a strong stand. 33 dagen geleden
When a problem first arises, try to remain humble, maintain a sincere attitude, and be concerned that the outcome is fair. 33 dagen geleden
Je doet niet veel met innerlijke kracht - als je een te zware kast moet versjouwen... 33 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/15Ju8H
De enige mogelijkheid een vriend te hebben is er zelf een te zijn. (ralph waldo emerson) 33 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/C0GfL
even living in the moment requires discipline!! the discipline of release, and remaining alert and present!! you are so right. 34 dagen geleden
This is a gem!! RT @RumiQuotes The grief you cry out from draws you toward union. Your pure sadness that wants help is the secret cup. Rumi 34 dagen geleden
This is a gem!! RT RumiQuotesThe grief you cry out from draws you toward union. Your pure sadness that wants help is the secret cup. Rumi 34 dagen geleden
The grief you cry out from draws you toward union. Your pure sadness that wants help is the secret cup. Rumi 34 dagen geleden
Voor zoekers: deze #citaten ter #inspiratie. Eenmaal daags een #citaat. Zie ook de #aforismen van @carlapols. Bronpagina 34 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/C0GfL
Eens zal ik de zoom van het kleed mogen raken - zoals voren de verre bosrand. 34 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/15Ju8H
Betreur niet het verlies van de bloesem, maar verwacht de vrucht. (Kris Geerts) 34 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/C0GfL
Je weg naar de stilte - Er is geen doorkomen aan... 35 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/15Ju8H
Ik vroeg de nacht: wijs me de weg naar het licht - ze antwoordde: volg me. 35 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/15Ju8H
Na de donderbui: de hemel aan mijn voeten - in de kleinste plas... 35 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/15Ju8H
Waar geen afgunst is, heerst eendracht in verscheidenheid. (Aurelius Augustinus) 35 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/C0GfL
For a meditator who has a certain degree of inner stability and realization, every experience comes as a teaching 37 dagen geleden
Every question I ask is about you. Every step I take is toward you. 37 dagen geleden
some have done none of these things, but rather allowed their passion to know God to be their only guide. 37 dagen geleden
some mystics have studied many pathways of religion & expressions of God in many cultures to be comfortable with mystical abstracts. 37 dagen geleden
Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find the gem hidden in the depths! Rumi 37 dagen geleden
...nirvana, are designated by the name and knowledge about them. Thus, there is no inherent existence of any object. 39 dagen geleden
Dreams are an idea of the mind. There are no tangible objects beneath these sole appearances. Similarly, self and others, samsara and... 39 dagen geleden
Something opens our wings. Someone fills the cup in front of us. Something makes hurt disappear. We taste only emptiness. 39 dagen geleden
Close the language-door and open the love window. The moon won't use the door, only the window. 39 dagen geleden
please pray a short prayer for me - having deep dental pain, part of planned and executed work - going to dr. early today - thanks~ 39 dagen geleden
If you rely on someone who has better qualities than yourself, that will help you to achieve sublime status. 40 dagen geleden
If you rely on someone who has lower qualities than yourself, that will lead to your degeneration. 40 dagen geleden
The garden of love is green without limit and yields many fruit other than sorrow and joy. Love is beyond either condition. 40 dagen geleden
In their own way they contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a human community. 41 dagen geleden
The power given to individuals of the media requires responsibility comparable to religious or political responsibility. 41 dagen geleden
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. 41 dagen geleden
So plainly said! RT @earthmystic: We have heaven within ourselves since the Lord of heaven is there. — St. Teresa of Avila 41 dagen geleden
@earthmystic of course you may! Let me know if you need more detail. 42 dagen geleden
@earthmystic any links? nice suggestion! 42 dagen geleden
Freedom through form and discipline: Jazz musicians find it, blues musicians find it, poets find it, physicists .. 42 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/5dqjqq
Say ONE in your lonesome house. Loving all the rest is hiding inside a lie. Rumi 43 dagen geleden
Being is not what it seems. Nor non-being. The world's existence is not in the world. Rumi 44 dagen geleden
It led me to a Roman Catholic conversion 13 yrs ago, and united my faith with my practice. 44 dagen geleden
ChristianMysticism is a GREAT way to revive interest. It has been not given much focus, it seems. Especially for those trying to return. 44 dagen geleden
@Juliamaloney I have been receiving the ROSB c. 2006. The daily reminder is good for me, especially when I am slow, dense and resistant! 44 dagen geleden
Read "The Rule of Benedict" each day - just enter your email and it will update you daily. 44 dagen geleden - http://bit.ly/16sq5b
In this house of water and clay my heart is in ruins. Beloved, do not leave this house else it will crumble to the ground. Rumi 45 dagen geleden
...often out of some commercial interest: I have to possess this or that; otherwise, my life will be lamentable. 45 dagen geleden
There are many circumstances that make us unjust, ambitious, or aggressive. All around us, everything is pushing us in that direction... 45 dagen geleden
And if the ocean's water would not rise to the sky, How would the plants be quickened by streams and gentle rain? 45 dagen geleden
If I were the plaything of every thought, I would be a fool, not a wise man. Rumi 46 dagen geleden
I sometimes think that the act of bring food is one of the basic roots of all relationships. 46 dagen geleden
New pic. This may change again! 46 dagen geleden
Just registered with patheos! @earthmystic thanks! nice site! 46 dagen geleden
Does a drop stay still in the ocean? Move with the entirety, and with the tiniest particular. Rumi 46 dagen geleden
I am not interested in the physical aspect of art. I simply meditate and train my mind. 47 dagen geleden
The training of the mind is an art. If this can be considered art, one's life is art. 47 dagen geleden
Daylight, full of small dancing particles and the one great turning, our souls are dancing with you, without feet, they dance. 47 dagen geleden
I have no more words. Let the soul speak with the silent articulation of a face. Rumi 47 dagen geleden
Lightening is not guidance ... The streak lightening of our minds comes so we'll weep, longing for our real lives. 47 dagen geleden
Unlike an external enemy, the inner enemy cannot regroup and launch a comeback once it has been destroyed from within. 48 dagen geleden
Becoming a Lay Cistercian: I have finally requested acceptance into the Lay Cistercian formation at the Monaster.. 48 dagen geleden - http://twurl.nl/3wvic2
Love flows down. The ground submits to the sky and suffers what comes. Rumi 51 dagen geleden
Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd. 51 dagen geleden
I, you, he, she, we.... In the garden of mystic lovers, these are not true distinctions. 52 dagen geleden
Although for us this is the toughest period, I firmly believe that the Tibetan people, culture, and faith will survive and flourish again. 53 dagen geleden
Dance in the middle of fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free. 53 dagen geleden
Your mind, this globe of awareness, is a starry universe. When you push off with your foot, a thousand new roads become clear. 53 dagen geleden
To the mind, there is such a thing as news, whereas to inner knowing, it's all in the middle of its happening. To doubters, this is a pain. 54 dagen geleden
True peace with ourselves and with the world around us can only be achieved through the development of mental peace. 54 dagen geleden
Rather than being unhappy and hateful, we should rejoice in the success of others. 55 dagen geleden
Many-ness is having sixty different emotions. Unity is peace and silence. 55 dagen geleden
I believe in justice and human determination. It has already been historically proven that the human will is more powerful than the gun. 59 dagen geleden
When we encounter human suffering, it is important to respond with compassion rather than to question the politics of those we help. 59 dagen geleden
The whole world is a form for truth. When someone does not feel grateful to that, the forms appear to be as he feels. They mirror his anger, 60 dagen geleden
Peace can only last when human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free. 60 dagen geleden
Peace is of little value to someone who's dying of hunger. It will not remove the pain of torture inflicted on a prisoner of conscience. 60 dagen geleden
There is no time to ask who shot it, what sort of poison it is, and so on. 62 dagen geleden
By day shines the sun, by night the moon; But all day and all night, every day and every night The Awakened One shines in splendor. 95 dagen geleden
Maintain your mind free, open and undisturbed. 95 dagen geleden
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. - Aristotle 95 dagen geleden
Peace is achieved by mastering our thoughts, not by controlling other nations. 95 dagen geleden
You can want something and you can have it. But don't let it become an attachment. To want is not to crave. 95 dagen geleden
It is more important to experience than to believe. 96 dagen geleden
Looking for guidance cannot solve your own doubts. Many times, you must be your own teacher. 96 dagen geleden
"Investigate yourself to find the truth - inside, not outside. Knowing yourself is most important.” - Ajahn Chah 96 dagen geleden
You are your own teacher. Looking for teachers can’t solve your own doubts. 96 dagen geleden
Humility is a luxury these days. Practice it, cherish it. 97 dagen geleden
A candle as it diminishes explains, Gathering more and more is not the way. Burn, become light and heat and help. Melt. 97 dagen geleden
The roots of the trees and the stars are the same. When a tree falls, a star falls with it. - Chan Kin, Mayan Leader 104 dagen geleden
Try to be happy for as long as you can breathe. 110 dagen geleden
Appreciate yourself and honor your soul. 113 dagen geleden
RT @skovi "Goodness is the rarest, the most precious, and the loveliest quality anyone can have." - Somerset Maugham 116 dagen geleden
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Gandhi 124 dagen geleden
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything. 129 dagen geleden
Many religious people love to "ask God for help"; instead of asking, try giving. Give, give, and give, and you'll be rewarded. 129 dagen geleden
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the TRUTH. - Buddha 129 dagen geleden
Always look at the bright side of life. 132 dagen geleden
The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live. 133 dagen geleden
Believe that you have it, and you have it. 133 dagen geleden
Proverbs are the children of experience. 133 dagen geleden
Love = peace & true happiness 136 dagen geleden
When you desire something for the good of ALL, the entire universe will help you achieve it. 136 dagen geleden
"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine." Ralph Waldo Emerson 137 dagen geleden
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu 139 dagen geleden
It's better to act than to react. 140 dagen geleden
May your life be full of peace, tranquility and harmony. 141 dagen geleden
Man is as vast as he acts. 142 dagen geleden
Clear your minds and welcome inner peace. 143 dagen geleden
Peace my friends, peace. Don't let this purest state of being be affected by external forces. 143 dagen geleden
Empty yourself and let the universe fill you. 147 dagen geleden
At every life stage you must enlighten with wisdom and grace. 148 dagen geleden
Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light. 151 dagen geleden
We must seek to improve our relations with all living things. 151 dagen geleden
"Whoever does not want to die of thirst among men must learn to drink out of all cups." - F. Nietzsche 153 dagen geleden
"Liberty is not a right, it's an obligation." - Nicolai Berdiaiev, Russian philosopher 156 dagen geleden
Follow the truth of the way. Reflect on it. Make it your own. Live it. 156 dagen geleden
Muhammad said no one looks back and regrets leaving this world. What's regretted is how real we thought it was! 167 dagen geleden
The same way a branch draws water up many feet, God is pulling your soul along. Wind carries pollen from blossom to ground. 168 dagen geleden
The core of the seen and unseen universe smiles, but remember smiles come best from those who weep. Lightning, then the rain-laughter. 169 dagen geleden
Those who work at a bakery don't know the taste of bread like the hungry beggars do. 170 dagen geleden
However your robe of patches fits is right. If you are God's light, keep moving east to west as you have been. 171 dagen geleden
And don't think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It's quiet, but the roots are down there riotous. 171 dagen geleden
A love with no object is a true love. All else, shadow without substance. Have you seen someone fall in love with his own shadow? 173 dagen geleden
Pour instead into your deep ocean-self without calculation. If eyesight blurs, find a railing to follow. 174 dagen geleden
Don't think all ecstasies are the same. Jesus was lost in his love for God. His donkey was drunk with barley. 174 dagen geleden
Your eyes, when they really see a rose or an anemone, flood the wheeling universe with tears. 175 dagen geleden
Don't put blankets over the drum! Open completely. Let your spirit ear listen to the green dome's passionate murmer. 175 dagen geleden
Even if you put your side or your back to the river,water still comes through. A shadow cannot ignore the sun that all day creates&moves it! 177 dagen geleden
Don't sleep now. Let the turning night wheel through this circle. Your brow,the moon,this lantern we sit with. Stay awake with these lights. 178 dagen geleden
This is how we are with wine and beautiful food...: we want and we get drunk with wanting, then the headache and bitterness afterward. 182 dagen geleden
There is a way of loving not attached to what is loved. Observe how water is with the ground, always moving toward the ocean... 183 dagen geleden
So we choose a tiny seed to be devoted to. This body, one path or one teacher.Look wider and farther. 185 dagen geleden
At night, I open the window&ask the moon to come&press its face against mine. Breathe into me. Close the language-door&open the love-window. 185 dagen geleden
The pathless path opens whenever you genuinely say, There is no reality but God. There is only God. 187 dagen geleden
The ocean pours through a jar,& you might say it swims inside the fish! This mystery gives peace to your longing &makes the road home home. 188 dagen geleden
Call it spirit, elixir, or the original agreement between yourself&God. Opening into that gives peace, a song of being empty, pure silence. 189 dagen geleden
If you want peace and purity, tear away your coverings. This is the purpose of emotion, to let a streaming beauty flow though you. 287 dagen geleden
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. 418 dagen geleden
People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds meet. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep. 418 dagen geleden
Love says, "You are right, but don't claim these changes. Remember, I am wind. You are an ember I ignite." 419 dagen geleden
A pearl in the shell does not touch the ocean. Be a pearl without a shell, a mindful flooding, candle turned moth, ... love lived. 424 dagen geleden
Pour instead into your deep ocean-self without calculation. If eyesight blurs, find a railing to follow. 431 dagen geleden
Oil and water together, how can I be whole? I'm like this hair, all strands and hiding places, yet out in the wide-open too like the moon. 431 dagen geleden
Tonight is a night when grace gives me a love book to read. I empty out whatever blocks a clear note. Not a food sack, I'm a reed flute. 432 dagen geleden
How could we know what an open field of sunlight is? Don't insist on going where you think you want to go. Ask the way to the spring. 448 dagen geleden
@ckoppelman: The Soul of Rumi or The Essential Rumi 462 dagen geleden
This is enough was always true. We just haven't seen it... This love we feel pours through us like giveaway song. The source of now is here! 462 dagen geleden
A feast is set. Listen: the wind is pouring wine! Love used to hide inside images, no more! The orchard hangs out its lanterns 462 dagen geleden
Did you hear that winter's over? The basil and the carnations cannot control their laughter. 462 dagen geleden
Breathe into me. Close the language-door and open the love window. The moon won't use the door, only the window. 471 dagen geleden
Going in search of the heart, I found a huge rose under my feet ... The robe we wear is the sky's cloth. Everything is soul and flowering. 525 dagen geleden
Rise. Move around the center as pilgrims wind the Kaaba. ... movement wakes us up and unlocks new blessings. 534 dagen geleden
Go back into the reedbed. Let cane sugar rise again in you. No rules or daily duties. Those do not bring the peace of silence. 548 dagen geleden